Carpet Freshener

Our fragranced carpet fresheners are brilliant at removing any unwanted odours and will leave your carpets smelling clean and fresh. Carpet fresheners can also be used on mattresses, and car carpets and bins. Each bag holds 500g of carpet freshener and can be used by sprinkling straight from the packet or for use with our carpet freshener shaker tubs.
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Please note:
We advise that you carry out a patch test on a small area prior to using the product. You must avoid using the carpet freshener on damp or wet surfaces. Keep children and pets away from the treated area until vacumming is completed. Please be sure to empty your vacuum regularly to prevent blockages and ensure you check and clean your filters after each use. We will not accept any liability for any damages caused by misuse, and we advise checking with your vacuum manufacturer for any risks before using this product.